I hurt my hand a couple of weeks ago learning how to crochet. {stupid crochet} So I did not knit in public today for World Wide Knit in Public Day. However, by 7:00 I couldn't stand it anymore so I picked up some new yarn and tried a new afghan pattern, knitting righty instead of lefty. It worked pretty well, but was sooo sloooww.
Guess what though! The best thing about switching hands is you will be able to knit with both. Makes fair isle a dream! I do hope your hand feels better in the meantime.
wow, hope your hand gets better :(
I didn't know crocheting was so dangerous. What happened?
I think it was just the isolated repetitive motion of how I hold my yarn. This happens sometimes when I knit, but my pattern is usually so varied that it doesn't. With crochet I was just repeating the same stitch like 1,400 times, and it was too much for my finger.
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